Wizard Game

(2020), Unity

Kayvon Fazeli, Tu Tran, Sumija Ande, Tom Mach

Project Objectives

  • Use Unity to create an immersive game

  • Use visual storytelling to create a compelling game experience

  • Create multiple different enemies, abilities and characters which interact in an interesting way.

Artist Statement

I was honored to work with such a devoted team of fellow developers on this project. We each took over several roles, from animation of characters, level design, alpha testing, programming, to storyboarding and sound design. Each level features unique layouts and color pallets which fit to the boss monster of every level. We created a fully functional game in a very short period of time.

In this project I explored how level layout and design could impact how a player moved through the story. I created a number of unique challenges throughout the game using only the base mechanics of our game, which reminded me of how the vivacity of brush strokes in a painting can impact the overall energy of the work.