
(2020), Premiere Pro, Cardboard box, Plastic, Cotton balls, India Ink

Kayvon Fazeli, Hannah Robinson, Jasmin Younis


Project Objectives

  • Make an installation piece using video projection software

  • Create an engaging work by melding several videography techniques.

Artist Statement

Brainstorming creates a confrontational space between itself and the viewer. The subject of the piece, the skeleton with human skin projected over it, sits exactly at eye level. It stares you down as you enter, alive, but also eerily still. Then, great globs of colored liquid drip down the sides of the screen as the cacophonous roil of thunder spills over speakers.

Cloud imagery allows the viewerto draw the connection between the subconscious creative process and the conscious brainstorm. The projection of different colors of ink dripping down into the water represents the undisturbed mind and the ink represents various thoughts, ideas, or emotions. Furthermore, the work draws into mind the cycle of rain, through condensation, precipitation, and eventually evaporation as it relates to the creative process. As the viewer experiences this piece, they witness individual droplets fall down to the surface of the water and cause ripples, much like how art precipitates from the mind of the artist and in turn affects the world around them

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